How to protect floors and carpets while moving?

Once moving day comes you will actually see how complicated moving is. Even though you planned for it and you have top local movers NYC helping you, there will still be a ton of things that you need to take care of. And the one that is usually thought of until it's too late is to protect floors and carpets while moving. Everyone remembers to protect themselves and their items. But, people seldom remember that they should put some effort into making sure that the floors and carpets survive the relocation. Well, worry not. Doing so isn't hard. Especially if you follow our advice.
Protecting hardwood floors is pretty straightforward, but still many people do it wrong. Your best bet will be to make sure that your nothing comes in direct contact with them throughout the relocation. Now, while this may sound simple to do, it will require a bit of work. Keep in mind that you will need to preserve your floor if you want to get a good price when selling your house in NYC. Here is how to do so properly during relocation.
Only the smart few plan to protect floors and carpets while moving. Try to be one of them.
First, you need to plan out how you will execute your move. There is no sense in you covering every inch of the floor. You only need to cover those parts on which there will be a lot of traffic. Furthermore, you should cover any path on which you will carry heavy items. A small drop or a slip can easily put a dent in your floor or scratch it. Just figure out where you and the movers you hired will go during the moving day, and you'll be done with the first part.
People have been dealing with floor protection for many years. Therefore, there are professional materials that you can purchase that will protect your floors perfectly. But, more often than not, simple cardboard will do the trick. Visit your local supermarkets and groceries and ask them to save you some boxes. Just make sure to do so at least a month in advance. That way they will have enough time to save you enough. Tear your boxes into rectangular shapes and tape those shapes together. And, presto. You have a fully functional protector for your floors.
The only risk that remains, once you cover your path with cardboard, is that it may slip. In order to mitigate that you only need to get some ducktape. Tape over the edges of the cardboard so that it will stay in place. Mind you, this will not make it completely immovable. But, it should provide enough resistance so that the cardboard path will stay still during relocation. If you really want to make sure that it doesn't move, you can get some double sided ducktape and tape down your cardboard throughout. The more money you spend to protect floors and carpets while moving, the better protected they will be.
Now that you know how to protect your floors, it is important that you find out how to protect your carpets. Floors tend to be more important as they are more slippery and therefore much more prone to moving accidents. But, on the other hand, carpets are much more fragile and much more susceptible to getting irreparably dirty.
Start off by considering carpet masking. You can get cheap carpet masksin pretty much any DIY store. They will work wonders in protecting your carpet from dirt and abrasions. But, they are not all powerful. Any heavier or continuous pressure may deform your carpet. If you think that is a considerable risk, then you need to take it up a notch. A well maintained, expensive carpet can easily boost house value.
Every Dude knows that a nice rug really ties the room together.
The next thing you need to consider in order to protect floors and carpets while moving is plywood. Cheap plywood will provide not only protecting from dirt but will also distribute weight. Therefore, your carpet will not suffer from heavy or continuous pressure put on it. Mind you, plywood can become slippery. Less so then hardwood, but still. It is something that you should keep in mind.
If your thing that none of the mentioned methods will work for your carpet worry not. Find yourself reliable storage in NYC a place it there during relocation. If you own expensive rugs, there is no need to needlessly put them in risk. Store them away and you will just need to deal with protecting floors.
Whether it is with or without protection, there is a proper way in which you should carry your items in order to protect floors and carpets while moving. Your movers should probably be already familiar with this, but it doesn't hurt for you to know about it also.
In order to move safely, you are going to need clean, dry working boots. They will make sure that you do not slip and or trip during your move. If you think that there is a chance that you will bring in the dirt from the outside, worry not. You can easily clean your carpet with if you follow some guidelines. Or, you can simply put on some shoe booties and be as good as gold.
A nice pair of work boots is really worth the money spent.
Before you start to carry your items, you need to know how to do it properly. For your easier items, you can simply rent plastic moving boxes NYC and move them with ease. But, if you are transporting heavy items, you need to be careful. Make sure that you do not drag them on the floor. Either pick them up and carry them in short steps with plenty of breaks. Or put the item on one or multiple dollies. Either way, avoid dropping heavy items of pushing them. Not only will you damage your floor and carpet, but you might end up damaging your item as well.
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